People are talking about Finding Your Way . . .
"I have an advance directive, but my eight grown children rarely agree on anything. I'm sending them each a copy of Finding Your Way. I'm leaving nothing to chance!"
Margaret Buda
A 76-year old resident of Auburn, CA

"I keep Finding Your Way within an arm's reach. For our clients, it's more than a discussion starter--it's an action starter."
Larry Cassevah, Social Worker
Yolo Adult Day Health Center, Woodland, CA

"Baby boomers worry about their aging parents but don't know how to bring up these issues, Finding Your Way opens that door of communication."
Sharon Turner, RN
Sierra Nevada Home Care, Grass Valley, CA

"I gave Finding Your Way to a family struggling with a decision to take their dying mother off dialysis. After reading it, they were more comfortable making a decision that reflected her wishes. Finding Your Way helped them understand in a way that conversation alone could not."
Fr. Basil Royston, Chaplain
O'Connor Hospital, San Jose, CA